Basic protective measures against Coronavirus
Coronaviruses are a group of viruses that can cause illnesses ranging from mild diseases, such as a cold, to more serious illnesses, such as pneumonia. Recently, a new coronavirus was detected that had not been previously seen in humans. The disease, called COVID-19, can be spread from person to person. There is still much that is unknown about this virus. However, the prevention steps recommended during cold and flu season are helpful in reducing the risk for infections:

Wash hands frequently
Wash your hands with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser to kill viruses that may be on your hands.

Respiratory hygiene
Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze. Use a tissue when possible and dispose of the used tissue immediately.

Avoid touching eyes, mouth & nose
Hands touch many surfaces and can pick up viruses. Once contaminated, hands can transfer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth. From there, the virus can enter you body and make you sick.

Maintain social distancing
Keep at least one metre between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing. If you are too close, you can breathe in airborne droplets, including the virus if the person has the disease.

Seek medical care early
Stay home as much as possible. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention and call in advance. Follow the directions of your health care provider to quickly direct you to the right health facility. This will also protect you and help prevent spread of viruses and other infections.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Hotline: 1-888-364-3065
For more information from the NYC Department of Health, visit